I headed to the Monterey peninsula to make first contact. The Monterey Museum of Art was closed for renovations, reopening in mid-March. OK. Reset. Then, off to Carmel, with attitude fully engaged ("If it's rejection, bring it on. If not, whoppee!).
I Stopped at the gallery where the staff person previously said she liked a photograph of an image I'd sold. Didn't see the first person I had earlier talked with. Those present (a painter who'd done some of the beautiful clouds that I find inspiring and two staffers) weren't thinking the surrealist angle was a good fit for them. Not surprising, as the gallery is largely seascapes, Mediterranean harbors and bucolic scenes of cows, pastures, etc. They also didn't particularly like the promo card. I was told that the card didn't give any sense of the scale of the work; big, small, whatever. They think I should take a finished canvas around with me to show what I've got.
Not sure on that. Suggestions would be welcome.
They referred me to a place down the street. That gallery featured a lot of very slick, corporate-type abstracts. Anodized, crystalized metal sheets, op art style visuals, color field abstracts. They weren't interested unless I had already been in some major museum shows ("Not yet, but soon." I said to myself). Stopped into another gallery that had some nice surrealist style work and the lovely woman there (with a fabulously sexy middle eastern accent) said they were definitely interested in showing some selected works of mine but... the owners of the gallery were currently in divorce proceedings, closing two of their galleries and consolidating all the works into the Carmel gallery. They like my work but wouldn't show anything until early next year when the current artist contracts get reviewed. I then dropped off a card at the Marjorie Evans gallery at the Sunset Center and went to do some chanting and meditation. "Om Namah Shivaya...."