Short time, long journey

It’s been too long since I posted to this blog but, for the most part, hardly anyone is paying attention to my blog and I’ve been intensely working on various art things lately and I’ve been working very hard.

I’ve got two important directions I’m going in and those directions are stemming off into other areas of exploration that have me excited but, it takes time to get things done. I really like to finish off an idea before I head off into a different direction. Leaving a vision or a notion wanting has always bugged me and the current series of images (and animations) are nearly all based on image ideas I originally conceptualized as much as 30 years ago. I did the original series and I felt that they were not much more than sketches and I needed to work on them quite a bit to have them ready for prime time. At this point, I’ve got this series finished off to a point where I feel they’re as well done as need be. I can tell this by the fact that the last few images are calling me to add more abstract and expressiveness to what I’m doing.

Related to that has been my exploration into animation in various forms. I call them poetic animations and I’m not really sure how to categorize them. I’m really liking doing them but, for the most part, they aren’t connecting with the general public or even many of my friends. But, I keep doing them because they resonate so easily with my sensibilities and art gets changed by artists doing things that no one else was doing or even, sometimes, no one else was understanding, either.

In the meantime, my paintings are getting more recognition. I got an award at a show in Sacramento, as well as another award for a show here in Morro Bay. So, that’s it for today and, hopefully, I’ll post more often.